
Deadline of submission to PETA's "Create a Shakespeare Icon Contest" July 15, 2011

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Announcement from Philippine Educational Theater Association

Hu Art Daw?
Create a Rockin' Shakespeare Icon Contest


For its 44th Theater Season, PETA produces modern, educational and entertaining plays and events that reintroduces Shakespeare and his works.

Help us demystify the Bard - make him less fearsome, easier to understand, and lovable for all. Create a modern icon that will capture PETA’s hip, fun, young and modern interpretation of Shakespeare that will appeal to the youth!

1. Contest participants must create a hip, fun, young and modern Shakespeare icon for Philippine Educational Theater Association’s (PETA), 44th Theater Season.
a. Entries can be hand drawn or digitally made (e.g. Adobe Photoshop).
b. The image must be in .jpg format. File size should not exceed 500kb.
c. Originality is encouraged.

2. Contestants must pass their electronic artwork via email, to together with the following information:Entrant’s Full Name, Age, Contact Number

3. All artworks received during the contest duration will be uploaded on July 16 via PETA’s Facebook Page: Peta Tapets

4. Contest Duration
Contest starts on June 10, 2011.Deadline for submission of entries is on July 15, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. Deadline of voting (via Facebook likes) is on July 30, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. Winners will be announced on August 2, 2011.

5. Criteria for Judging
30% Popularity measured via Facebook Likes
30% Creativity
40% Originality & Adherance to PETA’s hip, fun, young and modern theme

The winning artwork will become the official icon of PETA’s Shakespeare Season and shall appear in PETA’s posters,flyers, merchandise and other collaterals. The winner will be given: Php 5,000 plus (20) complimentary tickets for PETA’s William and Haring Lear as well as complimentary playbills for both productions.

Winners will be notified by PETA via phone call and public announcement on PETA’s Facebook Page.

For details, contact

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