
Sipat Lawin Ensemble's Backward Rizal Cosplay Parade June 19, 2011

Announcement from Sipat Lawin Ensemble

"RIZAL +150"

A collaborative performance by Leeroy New and Sipat Lawin Ensemble

Backward Rizal Cosplay Parade From Luneta to Fort Santiago 
June 19, 2011, 5pm, Sunday
Come in a Rizal costume and join the Rizal Birthday Bash for FREE! 
Assembly in Luneta at 3pm. 

Come filibusteros!

"Rizal +150" is a series of inter-active performances in public spaces investigating, re-imagining and re-envisioning Rizal and his works for the present generation and for the next 150 years. The series features collaborative works of sculptor Leeroy New and edge-work site specific theater company, Sipat Lawin Ensemble.

The public interventions aim to create inter-action between the artists, the pieces and the public allowing a broader range of Filipino audiences to participate in defining the legacy of a hero in contemporary times in contemporary language.

Rizal +150 seeks discourse on pop-nationalism and mass-producing Rizal, Rizal as an image in post-techno boom Philippines, Noli and Fili resonance in contemporary society, among others.

Rizal +150 is part of Sipat Lawin Ensemble’s "Rizal Sightings," a year-round campaign in collaboration with installation artist Leeroy New along with different institutions and network affiliations around the country.

Call +63917-560-0726. Visit
Bonus! Here is a news report of their parade from GMANews.TV:

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