
Fora on dance "Sayaw-Salita" Aug 3, 10, 17, & 24, 2011

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Announcement from UP Dance Company

University of the Philippines, World Dance Alliance and UP Dance Company
a forum on dance

Wednesdays 5-6pm
August 3, 10, 17 and 24
Mini-Hall, Abelardo Hall, UP College of Music, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

These fora serves as a prelude to the UP College of Music anniversary in September 2011, which will include an international conference September 2-3, 2011 in music, dance and theater.

August 3
"Smooth Criminals: Choreography and Discipline of Cebuano Dancing Inmates"
by Lorenzo Perillo
University of California-Los Angeles

August 10
"Contemporary Dance in the Southeren and Western Visayas Philippines: Hybridic Weavings of Movement Vocabularies and Cultural Practices"
by Prof. Ruth Pison
Dept. of English & Comparative Literature, UP College of Arts and Letters

August 17
"Dancing Outside the (Balikbayan) Box: Choreographing Filipino Hip Hop in Response to Cultural Commodification"
by Lorenzo Perillo
University of California-Los Angeles

August 24
"Tracing and Re-Tracing the DNA of Dance: The "Ur" in Urbanation"
by Prof. Basilio Esteban "Steve" Villaruz
UP College of Music and president WDA-Philippines, VP for Southeast Asia, WDA-Asia Pacific

Coordinator is
Angel Lawenko Baguilat,
Dance Program, Dept. of Voice and Dance, UP College of Music
Artistic Director, UP Dance Company
0917 5760212

What do you think of these fora? Share your comments.

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